Welcome to the International Center for Creative Writing Research


The International Center for Creative Writing Research (ICCWR), established in 1998, is an international forum for debate about creative writing in universities and colleges, a place to discuss practice-led and critical research in creative writing, and a channel for discussions about the teaching of creative writing in universities and colleges.

The ICCWR holds international video-linked discusions, seminars, readings and symposia, and supports the development of practice-led research in creative writing - through the practice of creative writing as well as through critical responses to that practice.

The ICCWR also broadcasts live creative writing events and programs via the digital platform of Creative Writing TVand welcomes ideas for live programming.

The ICCWR warmly welcomes the involvement of all creative writers, worldwide.

For more information contact the ICCWR Director and Chair, Graeme Harper:

Skype: iccwr.org
Phone: USA 248 370 4451 or UK 0207 1930595